Our Trustees

Bill Dance

Bill is the Honorary Life Vice President and former Chairman of The Hertfordshire Football Association.  His involvement in non league football goes back many years and he is very pleased to have the opportunity to help young players of all sports to further their skills and careers.

As an FA Committee member he helps safeguard and create a fun and safe environment for children, whilst playing their own preferred sporting activity.
John Wilson
John Has spent many years as a football goalpost safety campaigner.

He was also the creator of the first safe plastic goal for children.

Currently he is the semi-retired Chairman of ITSA GOAL.
Aidan Winwood
Aidan was lucky to have great sporting facilities at his school growing up and now supports Terry with this excellent charity that focuses on giving all children the chance to have a good time, trying as many different sports as they can.

Aidan has worked at a number of blue chip companies and has run his own.  He lives in Welwyn and is happy to spend lots of time with his dog, Lady (pictured)!

He is proud to be a small part of this great new initiative created by Terry Densham.

Roy Merryweather
Been involved in the Non League football almost his entire life; as a schoolboy played at the highest level and signed for Chelsea as a mature on leaving school.
Played at all levels in the non league game and progressed to management full time with Wokingham town FC for over 20 years. 
One of the longest serving managers in English football in present times. 
Instrumental in forming the Allied Counties UNDER 18 youth league covering nine counties in 1984 as chairman, a position held for 35 years.
At club I level have worked and been responsible as club secretary/chairman positions firstly with WOKINGHAM Town and in recent times Slough Town FC.
Still really enjoy the Grassroots side of football, the opportunity to help youngsters progress further in their careers.
Proud to be a small part of this great new initiative created by Terry Densham

Raj Sharma

Since 1988, Raj has worked in a variety of roles ranging across Sales, Management, Training, Life Coaching, Administration, Finance, Manufacturing, Trading and Volunteering.  In 2010, he discovered his true passion in public speaking.

Raj now tries to pass on his life learnings, experiences, knowledge and wisdom to to people from all walks life.  He has reached out to a huge number of individuals across India, Britain, Belgium and Hungary - helping them change their paradigms to live a better life.

Raj is excited to have the opportunity to use his skills and knowledge to help improve the lives and health of children for their life-times.

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